mardi, avril 29, 2003

J'ai fait le test religieusement, ce petit test, bien innocent qui me dira quelle chanson de Tori Amos je suis...
J'ai trouvé ça sur le blog d'IokanaaN via L'oeil de Mouche ...
Puis voilà le résultat: i'm kind of baffled, enfin aprés ma micro-nouvelle ci-dessus...
Next, je teste Juan!

Father Lucifer

-Father Lucifer-
You're "Father Lucifer"
from the "Boys for Pele" album. You
make no sense, although some of your lines
would infer that you're a love song. But
actually no one knows. You're a good song, but
very confusing. "How's your Jesus Christ
been hanging..?"

I guess i'll try to reach back to my music logs, and find that song.
I love Tori, but i've some trouble remembering her titles!
Tiens Marilyn Manson à Tout Le Monde En Parle, ça tombe à pic!
Pis d'abord, moi j'fais juste d'la magie blanche...
Let all the angels protect our words. Amen.

Which Tori Amos Song Are You?
brought to you by Quizilla

J'ai pas pu résister j'y ai soumis l'homme, résultat as baffling! There could be a sense of truth out there! Weird! Where has Mulder disappeared?

Silent All These Years
-Silent All These years-
You're "Silent All These Years" from the "Little
Earthquakes" album. You like to talk about
mermaids and bluejeans and you only want to go
to the heaven where the screams have gone.
You're moderately depressing because you stay
quiet about everything, and when you finally
speak, it's a bit of a suprise.

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